Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Help spread message of unity, ‘dakwah’ movements urged

The Star, Tuesday October 9, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR: The Islamic missionary (dakwah) movements in the country have been called upon to play a major role in spreading the message of unity to all layers of society.

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said they could play an effective role due to their independence and influence that cuts across political barriers.

“I am confident the unity of the ummah can be achieved if all parties are sincere in pursuing it, without any motive except to see Islam being upheld in this country,” he said at the launch of the National Missionary seminar yesterday.

Muhyiddin warned of the emerging challenges of liberalism and religious pluralism, which pro-posed that Muslims free themselves from their beliefs and religious rules that were based on their faith.

He expressed concern that such a belief system would result in a society not based on religious guidance and direction, while man would no longer believe in the existence of God.

“Islamic teachings that emphasise the order of relationships between individuals, families, communities and the nation will no longer be upheld, but be regarded as something old-fashioned and restrictive to freedom,” he said.

Muhyiddin said the close relationship between the dakwah movement and the Government had enabled syariah practices to spread quickly in Malaysia.

He added that one such spread was through the education system.

The emphasis on syariah in the education system would also be implemented through the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013 to 2025, he added.

Muhyidin said the Government would make Islamic teachings an important component that built people's faith and devotion, as well as created good character.

“Such values would also instill a good relationship with other religious beliefs.”

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