Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cop: Tear gas canister may have left mark on Bersih protester

The Star, Wednesday October 17, 2012



Precise aim: FRU personnel showing how tear gas is fired during the Suhakam inquiry into the incidents of Bersih 3.0. Precise aim: FRU personnel showing how tear gas is fired during the Suhakam inquiry into the incidents of Bersih 3.0.
KUALA LUMPUR: A police officer admitted that a wound on the neck of a protester at the Bersih 3.0 rally could have been caused by a tear gas canister's inner shell.

Asst Comm Jamaludin Abdul Rahman said it was a possibility because of a burn mark that was evident on the neck of the protester, Chong Min Shih.

“However, I cannot say for sure if it was caused by the shell or other objects,” he said at the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) Base yesterday during the Suhakam inquiry into the incidents of Bersih 3.0 on April 28.

ACP Jamaludin and other FRU personnel were asked about the photograph exhibit of Chong with a wound on the right side of her neck.

Asked by Suhakam Commissioner Detta Samen how tear gas was fired, ACP Jamaludin said the gun would be pointed upwards and the gas shell would be fired 50m into the air and hit the ground about 100m to 150m away.

He said the gun would sometimes be pointed downwards or straight ahead, but this method was seldom used.

He said about 900 canisters of gas shells were used that day.

Commanding officer for Unit I of Kuala Lumpur FRU Supt Zahari Yusoff said they had been ordered to shoot the tear gas upwards all the time.

He also said tear gas contained 1% of a chemical which caused the eyes to sting.

In total, there were 360 FRU personnel on that day and they were ordered to practise restraint and were barred from using pepper spray and the baton, he said.

Asked about a witness, Kumar Suppiah, who had claimed he was kicked until boot print marks were left on his Bersih T-shirt, Supt Zahari said the marks looked like they were made by a combat boot and was different from the boots worn by FRU personnel.

On razor wires, Supt Zahari said they were used for the first time in the rally as barricades from Jalan Tun Perak to Bank Pembangunan and at the two tunnels below Jalan Hishamuddin.


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