Thursday, October 25, 2012

An insight into Hinduism

Thursday October 25, 2012


Hindu perspective: Murugesan giving a talk on Hinduism at Menara Star. Hindu perspective: Murugesan giving a talk on Hinduism at Menara Star.

PETALING JAYA: Why is the cow sacred in Hinduism? Is there a relationship between the caste system and Hinduism? What is aum? What is the Hindu perspective on sex?

These were among the questions posed to lawyer Datuk S. Murugesan during a talk on Hinduism at Menara Star yesterday.

“Generally, Hindus would not interfere with the actions of other individuals because it is a religion that leaves each to its own with God,” said Murugesan, who is well-versed in Hindusim as well as its customs and rituals.

As such, the tattooing of the aum was not offensive to Hindus, said Murugesan, explaining that the aum was a cosmic sound incantation which Hindus recite before chanting mantras.

When asked what Hindus felt when the media published stories of temples being demolished by local councils, Murugesan, who is also the MIC secretary-general, said the main concern revolved around the deities in the temples.

“Fair enough that there may be no proper permits but if they are going to break the temple, they should contact the Hindu Sangam to remove the deities. The councils can demolish the temple after the necessary rituals and prayers have been performed to remove the deities,” he said.

Likewise, there was also a lack of respect for Hindu deities when devotees carry kavadis bearing the emblem of English Premier League teams such as Liverpool and Manchester United, said Muru-gesan.

Murugesan said cows were sacred for practical and sensitivity reasons.In India, cows were animals of labour and if they were eaten, their numbers would dwindle and this would adversely affect people's livelihood.

On the caste system, Murugesan said the discriminatory variety practised today was not the same as that practised in the past, which was based on the division of labour.

The talk on Hinduism is part of a series of lectures on the various faiths and festivals in the country organised by The Star for its staff.


Thursday October 25, 2012

Stop condo project, govt urged

PETALING JAYA: The Selangor Government has been urged not to allow any high-rise development near Batu Caves, a site considered sacred by the Hindus.

MIC secretary-general Datuk S. Murugesan said this included the 29-storey condominium pro- ject near the area which had caused much concern among the Sri Mahamariamman Batu Caves Temple committee.

“The project should be stopped if possible,” said Murugesan.

He noted that the state government had said it would conduct soil testing in the Batu Caves area in view of the fact that it was a fragile limestone area.

“The land was approved in 2007 for general development but the concern is that the piling and construction work may destabilise the 42.7m statue of Lord Murugan,” he said during the talk on Hinduism at Menara Star yesterday.

On whether low-rise buildings could be built instead, Murugesan said it was a possibility.

On whether MIC would join the 100,000 people protest against the project on Friday, he said the party would leave members to their own devices.

On Monday, it was reported that the Batu Caves temple committee had given a notice of demand to the developer of the proposed condominium project near the limestone hill.

The developer was ordered to immediately stop all works related to the construction of the property.
The proposed project has sparked anger among not just the temple management, but nature lovers and residents as well.

Registration for the high-rise property was recently opened on property websites, It was advertised as a serviced residence located “a stone's throw away” from Batu Caves and with a “panoramic view” of the natural rock formation site.


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