Friday, October 10, 2014

MCA wants leaders’ memorial


KUALA LUMPUR: MCA has proposed that the Government set up a Tun Tan Cheng Lock memorial centre as testament to the multiracial efforts that brought about the country’s independence.
Party president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said yesterday the centre would not just be about Tan, Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun V. T. Sambathan, but also a “witness” of the country’s moderation and inclusiveness in a multiracial society.
“MCA feels that this is necessary and must be recorded and appreciated and shared with the younger generation,” he told a press conference after the soft launch of MCA’s Corridor of History gallery at the MCA headquarters.
Liow also said MCA’s history was of great importance to the younger generation.
“After independence, we worked together to form a multiracial government and this government promoted multiracialism and protected multiracial rights to ensure peace, harmony and prosperity. We achieved this in the last 57 years of independence,” he said.
Asked to comment on the police decision not to investigate Petaling Jaya Utara Umno deputy Youth chief Mohamad Azli Mohamed Saad’s call for the abolition of vernacular schools as a sedition case and deeming it a civil case instead, Liow said MCA viewed Mohamad Azli’s comment as seditious.
“If there is intention of a seditious act, then police should investigate from the sedition point of view. We want to reiterate that Chinese education is part of the national education system and there should not be voices asking to pull down Chinese schools,” he said.
He said police should investigate all angles, especially the motive of the person.
Mohamad Azli had recently suggested that Umno’s upcoming general assembly discuss the abolition of vernacular schools.
Liow said MCA had pushed for multi-stream education during independence and the country’s leaders then had agreed to the system.
Liow said the country had a good education system that was inclusive where Chinese, Tamil and Malay education was provided for under Article 152 of the Federal Constitution.
“If anyone in this country has extreme views and proposes to eradicate vernacular schools, it is wrong. MCA not only condemns this move but also feels that the Government should take action against those who are creating disharmony,” he said.
On Budget 2015, Liow said MCA hoped the economy would be beefed up and the cost of living reduced. The Chinese community also hoped that allocation for Chinese schools would be increased, he said.

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