Friday, September 12, 2014

Don’t set ceiling when climbing corporate ladder, women told

the star


KUALA LUMPUR: Women must not set a glass ceiling for themselves when climbing the corporate ladder, said a corporate trainer.
Brandt International Sdn Bhd CEO Munirah Looi (pic) said that one main obstacle among capable women in the corporate world was their own mindset that stopped them from wanting to excel.
“They think there is a glass ceiling. That is the major obstacle for them moving up their career,” she said at a press conference yesterday to announce the Women Extraordinaire Forum 2014 that will be held from Oct 28 to 29.
It will be launched by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nancy Shukri.
Looi said “the battle can be won” if women refused to believe there was a glass ceiling and accept that they could realise their potential regardless of the barriers.
“If they can have that mindset shift, they can be successful,” Looi said, adding that the forum would discuss how women could break the glass ceiling.
Recently, Women, Fam­ily and Community Develop­ment Minister Datuk Seri Rohani Abdul Karim said that over 200 women were ready to sit as board members of public-listed companies but the vacancies were not immediately available.
She said the percentage of women sitting as board members of public-listed companies increased from 7.7% in 2012 to 8.6% last year.
The ministry hoped to achieve the target of having 30% women in decision-making positions in the corporate sector by 2016, she said.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced the Govern­ment’s 30% target in 2011.
Asked what was stopping women from moving to the top leadership, World Communication Network Resources corporate adviser and director Datuk Atikah Adom said they needed to be more visible.
“They must create visibility. They must have the knowledge and ability, communication skills and the (network) contacts,” she said, adding that they should also care for their appearance and not be unkempt.
Former Prime Minister and Perdana Leadership Foundation honorary president Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad will speak on Women Leading the Future at the forum on Oct 29.

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