Thursday, August 7, 2014

Subra: Bodies can be identified in three weeks

The Star

PUTRAJAYA: A post-mortem on the retrieved bodies and body parts of those who perished in Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 is expected to be completed in two weeks and matching of information to identify who they are is to be done after that.
Health Minister Datuk Seri S. Subramaniam said as of Tuesday, reports from the Malaysian disaster victim identification (DVI) team revealed that post-mortem had been carried out on 150 intact bodies and 300 body parts, of the 600 in total retrieved.
“At the rate that the examination is going, I expect work on all the bodies to be completed in a week or two,” he said yesterday.
Dr Subramaniam said there was more than one body bag in each of the 226 coffins that arrived in Amsterdam for DVI and only one more coffin was being examined as of Monday.
“After the DVI is done, the information would be matched with data collected from the next-of-kin here which we have sent over,” he said.
Matching of the data, which includes finger prints, dental records and DNA samples, would take another two to three weeks.

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