Thursday, May 2, 2013

GE13: MCA to help Loong Aik cooperative get back land from firm, says Dr Chua

The Star

Published: Thursday May 2, 2013 MYT 8:34:00 PM


SEKINCHAN: MCA will try to get back a 0.4ha piece of land which was occupied by the Loong Aik Bhd cooperative for 60 years and now leased to a private company, said MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.
Dr Chua said Loong Aik chairman Lee Aik had approached the party for help now that the land was given to the company for temporary occupation by the Selangor state government.
"We will assist in getting the land back for the cooperatives if Barisan Nasional wins Selangor," he said during a visit here to lend support to MCA's state candidate Kek Seng Hooi.
Loong Aik treasurer Ng Ah Tee said the land had been occupied by the grandparents of the members when they set up the cooperatives in 1949.
"At that time the land did not belong to anyone. Since we and our grandparents have used the land for more than 60 years, we should be given priority (to use the land)," Ng said.
He said they had applied to the state government for a land grant since 1991. The then Barisan government did not approve the grant but did not stop them from using the land.
Ng said when Pakatan Rakyat took over the state, they applied for a grant but was refused and the land was leased out to a private company.
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