Saturday, November 10, 2012

Suhakam to look into dam case

The Star, Saturday November 10, 2012


KUALA LUMPUR: The Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) has decided to look into the Murum Dam blockade and assured it will hear from all stakeholders related to the issue.

Commissioner Detta Samen received a memorandum from the Damn the Dams Action Group representing 60 NGOs yesterday asking Suhakam to intervene in the state-led negotiations with affected communities.

“We will look into the complaints,” he said at the Suhakam headquarters here.

Samen said Suhakam in Sarawak was in the midst of contacting the Penan headmen, NGOs as well as the Sarawak state government and dam developer Sarawak Energy Bhd to meet in Miri or Kuching.

He said he welcomed whatever information that could be handed over to Suhakam before the meeting takes place.

Damn the Dams Action Group representative Ng Yap Hwa said the state government’s plan to build 12 mega dams, including the Murum Dam, would affect the communities.

“The impending displacement of more than 1,600 natives has resulted in them putting up a blockade since Sept 26 as a last resort to compel the authorities and project proponents to address their concerns over the loss of livelihood, homeland and future,” he said.

The construction of the 944MW hydro power plant to produce electricity by 2013 will inundate about 30,000ha of the Murum Valley.

Two companies from China are involved in the dam construction.

In a separate interview, Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Chai Xi said he would raise the concerns with Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud.

“I will look into it but I hope negotiations and consultations on any problems can be resolved,” he said.


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