Sunday, September 30, 2012

Liow hopes allocations will help reduce NCD

The Star, Sunday September 30, 2012

(My story without byline)

PETALING JAYA: Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai hopes that the Budget allocation for blood test screening and free health checks under the Social Security Orga­nisation (Socso) will help reduce non-communicable diseases (NCD) by 10% to 20%.

He said the funds would help in financing programmes for the early prevention of such diseases.

“Many people come too late for check-ups and by then, they may have to be put on long-term medication,” said Liow.

The Budget 2013 will see cholesterol, sugar and urine tests being offered by 1Malaysia Clinics, while a RM200mil allocation for Socso would enable 1.4 million people aged between 40 and 55 years old to get free health check-ups.

Liow also that said more than 50% of breast cancer cases were detected late and welcomed the Women, Fam­i­­­ly and Community Development Ministry’s RM25mil allocation for free mammogram screenings for 100,000 women aged 40 and above.

On calls for private doctors to be included in the 1Malaysia Clinics scheme, Liow said the ministry would study the idea first.

Socso chief executive officer Datuk K. Selvarajah said the organisation was working out the details of the types of free health check-ups to be offered.


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